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  1. "Introduction to Coat Color Genetics" from Veterinary Genetics Laboratory, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis. Web Site accessed January 12, 2008
  2. Rieder, Stefan (2008-02-21). "Genetic Analysis of White Facial and Leg Markings in the Swiss Franches-Montagnes Horse Breed". Journal of Heredity. The American Genetic Association. 99 (2): 130–6. doi:10.1093/jhered/esm115. PMID 18296388. Dicapai 2009-07-03. Phenotypes may vary from tiny depigmentated body spots to white head and leg markings, further on to large white spotting and finally nearly complete depigmentation in white-born horses...White markings result from the lack of melanocytes in the hair follicles and the skin...A completely pigmented head or leg depends on the complete migration and clonal proliferation of the melanoblasts in the mesoderm of the developing fetus, thus ensuring that limbs and the head acquire a full complement of melanocytes  Parameter |coauthors= tidak diketahui diabaikan (guna |author=) (bantuan)
  3. 1 2 3 UC Davis. "Horse Coat Color Tests". Veterinary Genetics Laboratory. University of California - Davis. Dicapai 2009-07-08. Horses with 2 copies of the Sabino1 gene, are at least 90% white and are referred to as Sabino-white. 
  4. Brooks, Samantha (2005). "The SNP was found among American Miniature Horses, American Paint Horses, Azteca, Missouri Fox Trotters, Shetland Ponies, and Spanish Mustangs."
  5. Sheila Archer (2008-08-31). "Studies Currently Underway". The Appaloosa Project. Dicapai 2008-11-04. 
  6. "Die Farbmerkmale" (dalam bahasa German). Dicapai 2009-06-20. Selenggaraan CS1: Bahasa yang tidak dikenali (link)
  7. Sandmeyer, Lynne S. (2007). "CSNB and Leopard Complex in Appaloosas". 10 (6). American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists: 368–375. doi:10.1111/j.1463-5224.2007.00572.x. PMID 17970998.  Parameter |coauthors= tidak diketahui diabaikan (guna |author=) (bantuan)